
LABORSPIRIT Shot gun Contribution Prizes

We are proud to announce that the Portuguese Company Labor Spirit will award the best shot gun oral talk (5 min) of each conference room.

The criteria for eligibility will be based on the excellence and originality of the research presented as well as on the quality of the presentation.



RSC Advances Best Shotgun Award

RSC Advances Journal is proud to announce that will award the best shotgun PhD presentation with a prize of £200 in a RSC Book Voucher.



ChemistryOpen-Wiley-VCH Poster Awards

ChemistryOpen (Wiley-VCH) will award four prizes for best posters. The winning posters will be selected based on quality of the research presented as well as on the standard of presentation.


We are proud to announce that the Proteomass Scientific Society will award the best shotgun and poster presentation of each conference room.

The criteria for eligibility will be based on the excellence and originality of the research presented as well as on the quality of the presentations.

* It is mandatory to attend the Gala Dinner (Best ShortGuns and Poster Prizes) and the Closing Ceremony (Best Oral Talks) to receive the award and certificate.

The criteria for eligibility will be based on the excellence and originality of the research presented as well as on the quality of the presentation.